What did you think of Episode 2 of “Once Upon a Time”? (poll)

Once Upon a Time Episode 1x02 The Thing You Love Most,

Regina (Lana Parrilla) in Season 1 Episode 2, "The Thing You Love Most," aired Oct. 30, 2011

The pilot of “Once Upon a Time” is being rerun tonight

Once Upon a Time promo photo

"Once Upon a Time" promo photo

ABC is rerunning the pilot at 7:00 pm tonight (Sunday, Oct. 30, 2011). The new show (Episode 2 “The Thing You Love Most”) will start at the regular time, 8:00 pm.

Mystery solved: Geronimo Jackson reference found in “Once Upon a Time”

Earlier, I had written that I couldn’t find the rumored Geronimo Jackson reference in the Once Upon a Time pilot.

Cheeks, an eagle-eyed commenter with a cool blog, solved the mystery.

There was a Geronimo Jackson reference, and it was on the back of Emma’s car, but it wasn’t in a long sticker on the bumper — it was in a small sticker in the bottom left corner of the rear window. And it wasn’t the Geronimo Jackson logo that I had been looking for —

Geronimo Jackson logo Lost

— but it was a picture of a rabbit skull, which Lostpedia says became an emblem of the band after it appeared on the cover art of their Dharma Lady album.

Geronimo Jackson rabbit Dharma Lady Lost

Album cover for "Dharma Lady"

The resolution on my computer isn’t very good, but you can sort of see it here:

Geronimo Jackson rabbit on back of Emmas car in Once Upon a Time

Rabbit in rear window of Emma's VW

This has got to be the most obscure and hardest-to-find LOST reference in the Once Upon a Time pilot. The other LOST references contained much better known LOST symbols shown in far more visible spots. If this ever comes up as a trivia question some day, we’ll nail it.

No Germonimo Jackson reference in the “Once Upon a Time” pilot?

Editing to add 10/28: The mystery has been solved. See this post: Geronimo Jackson reference found.

Original post:

Before the pilot aired, various press reports said there would be a Geronimo Jackson bumper sticker in the pilot as a reference to LOST.

I didn’t see it. If you did, please let us know where. Here’s a shot of the back of Emma’s car (which seems the most likely place a bumper sticker would be) right after the encounter with Henry’s psychiatrist (aka Jiminy Cricket) — with no bumper sticker to be seen.

Emma's car Once Upon a Time pilot

Back of Emma's car

I wonder if they originally intended to show the bumper sticker in that shot and then changed their minds. There doesn’t seem to be much other reason to have shown the back of the car.

There were a lot of other LOST references in the pilot, which you can see here: LOST shout-outs in “Once Upon a Time”

What did you think of the pilot? Vote in the poll.

Haven’t watched the pilot yet? You can see it online without commercials on IMDB. It’s also on the ABC official site with limited commercials.

Emma’s door in the “Once Upon a Time” pilot

A lot of people are wondering what was written on Emma’s door.

Last night, @OnceABC (the official Twitter account for the show) tweeted:

Emma’s door in the pilot says “to cast a spell.” It was actually on the door of the set they used so they left it.

It looks like it says a lot more than that though. Maybe these are the complete instructions for casting that spell?

Emmas door in the Once Upon a Time pilot

Emma's door

Emmas door in Once Upon a Time pilot

Another shot of Emma's door

LOST shout-outs in “Once Upon a Time” pilot episode

Here’s what I noticed: The clock in the square was stuck at 8:15, the number on Henry’s door was 108, and there was a close-up of Emma’s eye opening (when she was in jail) that was reminiscent of Jack’s. The sound effects right before breaking for commercials were similar to LOST’s. Emma’s last name, Swan, could be a reference to the Swan Station, and near the end of the episode, right after Henry’s mean adoptive Mom told Emma to get out of town, there was a very quick shot, upstairs in Henry’s room, of a swan on some kind of screen (see the picture below). Anyone notice anything else? [Editing to add]: Also, the curse looked like the Smoke Monster.

Clock 815 Once Upon a Time Pilot LOST reference

Clock at 8:15

108 on Henry's door Once Upon a Time pilot LOST reference

108 on Henry's door

Emmas eye closed Once Upon a Time pilot LOST reference

Emma's eye closed

Emmas eye open Once Upon a Time LOST reference

Emma's eye open

Swan on screen in Henry's room Once Upon a Time pilot LOST reference

Swan on screen in Henry's room

Curse like LOST smoke monster in Once Upon a Time

The curse approaching the castle

Edited to add 10/28: See the comments below for more Lost references that people spotted.

What did you think of the pilot episode? Vote in the poll.

Haven’t seen the pilot yet? Watch it on IMDB (with no commercials) or the ABC official site.

How would you rate the “Once Upon a Time” pilot episode?

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