Puppet Dr. Chang channels John Locke in a rap music video — hilarious and brilliant

You have to watch this:

This has got to be the best thing that the “Lost Untangled” crew has ever done, with the possible exception of the Season 5 Untangled Finale Event — which is where the dancing statue seen in the video above originated. The music for both videos was done by the same group, the recap band Previously on Lost.

Official video podcast — Prop Master Rob Kyker, part 2

The Prop Master is back, showing off more cool items, including Claire’s squirrel baby and Jacob’s wine bottle.

The video also adds comic-book-style dialogue bubbles to clips from the show, for no apparent reason, other than, perhaps, end-of-the-show giddiness. Whatever the reason, the comic-book styling is cute:

Sneak peek #2 for 6×14 “The Candidate” — in Jack’s hospital — Spoiler!

The last line in this sneak peek gave me the chills AND made me laugh!

There was a split second between the time I heard what Jack said — that’s where I got the chills — and the time I realized what he must have really meant — that’s where I laughed at the double meaning of the word, and at how my mind had immediately jumped to the wrong meaning.

Warning: There is definitely a spoiler here if you don’t want to know the outcome of the operation that Jack was preparing to do on Locke last episode.

Sneak Peak #1 for 6×14 “The Candidate” — Jack and Flocke (slightly spoilerish)

(Warning: This post contains a brief quote of the dialogue from the sneak peek, and a discussion of the scene.)

In this scene from 6×14, Jack and Flocke are disagreeing with each other. Watching it, I got a feeling of deja vu, because we’ve become so used to seeing similar scenes of Jack and (real) Locke disagreeing about similar issues. But this time there’s a twist:

The twist is that Jack and (F)locke have reversed positions. In “There’s No Place Like Home,” the Season 4 finale, it was Jack who wanted to leave, and (real) Locke who urged him to stay::

(REAL) LOCKE: But you’re not supposed to go home.

JACK (shouting:) And what am I supposed to do? (A little calmer:) Oh, I think I remember. What was it that you said on the way out to the hatch — that crashing here was our destiny.

LOCKE: You know, Jack. You know that you’re here for a reason. You know it. And if you leave this place, that knowledge is gonna eat you alive from the inside out until you decide to come back.

(You can see the video of that scene here: Jack and Locke outside the Orchid, or read the transcript.)

(Real) Locke of course, had been right. Jack had to come back. But now Flocke is trying to get Jack to leave:

Jack: (Referring to Sawyer’s group:) They’re not my people. And I’m not leaving the Island.

Flocke: Well, Jack, I’m hoping you’ll still change your mind about that.

Is it possible that both (real) Locke and Flocke were/are right? That Jack had to come back when he did, but now it is time for him to leave?

I also wonder why Jack is turning his back on Sawyer, Kate, and the rest of the group. Is he that miffed about his argument with Sawyer on the boat? I wouldn’t expect someone who has anointed himself the Bearer of Destiny, as Jack seems to have done, to be so petty. So maybe it’s something else.

Then again, this is Jack, so maybe he really is being that petty.

One other thing — Terry O’Quinn’s performance continues to amaze. Compare him in the 6×14 sneak peek to the way he was in the Season 4 finale. Flocke and (real) Locke are distinctly different in their expressions, and their manner, and in the type of energy they project. Yet, in some ways, they are similar, as if they were not really two totally separate people. Somehow, O’Quinn manages to convey the differences and the similarities at the same time — something which can’t be easy.

Poll: Did you learn anything new in the enhanced version of “Ab Aeterno”?

What did you think of the pop-up text (aka the pop-up hints) at the bottom of the screen in the “enhanced” version of the rerun of 6×09 Ab Aeterno?

Official video podcast — tour of the sets

Executive Producer Jean Higgins, who I don’t think we’ve seen before in a podcast or panel discussion, takes us on a tour of some of the indoor sets — the police station where sideways Sawyer and Miles work, Jack’s hospital, and Widmore’s submarine:

LOST Schedule Tuesday, April 27, 2010 — Rerun of Ab Aeterno

Update 5/4/10 — The Finale will be extended by 30 minutes

Original post:

LOST Richard Alpert riding horse 6x09 Ab Aeterno

Richard Alpert will ride again on April 27

There’s no new episode this week, just a rerun of the Richard-Alpert-centric episode 6×09 Ab Aeterno. ABC is probably doing this to push the rest of the final episodes into the May sweeps period, which runs from April 29 to May 26.

Here’s the schedule for this week, and for the rest of the season:

Tuesday, April 27, 2010 — 9:00 – 10:02 Rerun of Ab Aeterno

Tuesday, May 4, 2010 — New episode 6×14

Tuesday, May 11, 2010 — New episode 6×15

Tuesday, May 18, 2010 — New episode 6×16. This will be the last new episode before the finale.

Saturday, May 22, 2010 — 8:00 – 10:00 A pop-up hint enhanced rerun of the original pilot!

Sunday, May 23, 2010:

7:00 – 9:00 Clip show
9:00 – 11:00 The Finale! (6×17-18)
(not sure of the time) — A post-finale wrap-up hosted by Jimmy Kimmel

And then …. crickets.

All times are an hour earlier for Central Time, and all times after April 27 are approximate.

Screenshot of Richard Alpert via Lostpedia

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