Behind the scenes tour of LOST auction

This was shot on Friday (yesterday), so seeing it now is like taking a short time-travel hop back to before the auction started. (Watch out for nose bleeds!) The president of Profiles in History, the auction company, shows an L.A. times reporter around. Story.

LOST auction day 1

Sawyers letter LOST

Sawyer's letter

I’m getting all this from Twitter #LostAuction.

The auction will be going on till 9:00 PM tonight. It’s not too crowded. If you’re in L.A., go!

Jin’s Rolex sold for $1,900. and his handcuffs for $800. Fishing net and pole $900.

Sayid’s photo of Nadia, $1,000. Aww.

Locke’s backgammon set $7,000. Wow!

Locke’s wheelchair $3,250. Thought that would have been more!

Locke’s case of knives $7,500.

(Now I’m understanding why they had two cops at the Vilcek exhibit.)

Hurley’s lottery ticket $5,500.

Sawyer’s letter $6,500.

His copy of “Watership Down” $2,750.

His reading glasses $2,250. I know a lot of people who would have liked those!

Hurley’s comic book $3,250.

Wow, that’s just the last hour! Oops, it’s going to be too much to blog. But do check out Twitter to get all the news live. Also, JOpinionated is there and posting fantastic photos.

Update: The Swan Hatch door went for $16,000! Charlie’s ring for $9,000. The Santa Rosa Mental Hosptial Sign $750. A package of 140 pieces of Season 1 production artwork, blueprints & sketches — $14,000. Yikes! Rousseau’s map $9,000. Four Virgin Mary statues in a crate $4,250 (heroin not included!) Oceanic water bottles $1400. Flight 815 boarding sign $4,750. Boone’s boarding pass/driver’s license $1,700. Sun’s boarding pass and password $2000. Aaron’s crib $8,000.

They need a bargain table for the rest of us! How about selling a few grains of sand that Sawyer looked at for $10?

Update #2 Desmond’s Dharma jumpsuit went for $4,750. Ben Linus’ Henry Gale costume went for $1,500.

Update #3 I got these from TheODI: Kate’s toy plane (with three other planes included) sold for $6,500. Kate’s passport and mugshot $4,500. Sawyer’s blue jeans and t-shirt outfit $650. Such a bargain! Autographed pilot script $15,000. Wow!!

— continued on Late Night Updates to Lost Auction Day 1

LOST Auction starts tomorrow, Saturday, August 21

The auction and exhibition starts on Saturday, August 21, 2010 in the Santa Monica Air Center Barker Hangar and will continue through Sunday.

You can still buy tickets by last-minute phone order at 800-542-4466. More info on buying tickets: Razorgator

The exhibition starts at 9:00 am. The auction starts at 1:00 pm.

You can bid online. More info on that is here: Profiles in History

Here are a few of the 477 items that will be auctioned on Saturday. Click on the pictures to get more info or to place a bid:

LOST pilot script

LOST pilot script signed by J.J. Abrams and Damon Lindelof

The bidding on the signed LOST pilot script starts at $300. Estimated sales price $300 to $500. So far, 63 people have bid.

Huge piece of the 815 wreckage LOST

Huge piece of Flight 815 wreckage

This piece of the wreckage, containing the Oceanic logo, is 11 feet tall and 9 ½ feet wide. Starting bid is $3,000, expected selling price is $3,000 to $5,000, and there are no bids yet.

Sawyers sleeveless shirt

Sawyer's shirt

Hey, you can buy Sawyer’s shirt! And then you can take it off. It comes with a whole other outfit of blue jeans and short-sleeved t-shirt, all items that Sawyer wore in the pilot. Estimated selling range $200 to $300. Only one bid so far.

Hey, this is pretty cool:

Kate's toy airplane LOST

Kate's toy airplane

Estimated selling price for Kate’s toy airplane is $600 to $800. Eleven bids so far.

There is tons more cool stuff. See it all here: LOST The Official Show Auction

Editing to add: Watch the auction live!

The LOST finale, revisited

LOST finale The End Heavens waiting room

Heaven's waiting room

Almost two months ago, I got a question (actually more like a comment) on the Ask a Question page from Mark Stouffer. I’d been feeling so traumatized by the finale that after my initial flurry of posts, I didn’t want to think about it any more.

Time heals all wounded expectations, and now I’m ready to talk about it again. Here’s what Mark wrote:

Is this blog about the reason of LOST?

I thought the show was about reason, rational thought. The light was identity, expressed by the identity principal a=a, the primary example of which is existence exists. The narative is the continuity of the rational mind. The source is identity and the river is the river of individuals who have preserved the human race and rational thought. The island is reality. Everyone arrives there ‘by accident’ from ‘accross the sea’. False Locke is mysticism and collectivism.

Am I way off base? Why is no one talking about the reasons? The rational view that ‘everything that happens here happens for a reason’ and that we needed ‘everything that happened’ to get where we are, talking about LOST.

This blog was about the reason that the LOST-ies were brought to the Island, something I believed we would find out at the end. Instead, I believe, the show dodged the question.

We got two answers, both highly unsatisfactory.

The first answer was that the LOST-ies were brought to the Island to meet each other, to find the (literally) undying friendship and love they hadn’t been able to find in their previous lives. This had the unfortunate effect of reducing the whole amazing Island experience to the equivalent of a college mixer. If it was all about finding each other, there was no need for the Dharma Initiative, or the Island’s healing powers, or the dying pregnant women, or the Others, or Ben, or Jacob, or Widmore or any of it. They could have all just gone on

Also, even if it were true, as many fans of the ending say, that the show was “all about the characters,” the characters were so badly misrepresented at the end that it negated much of the emotional impact of what had happened before during the previous six years. Pairing Sayid with Shannon, in Heaven’s waiting room, rather than with Nadia, could only have been done by a writer tone-deaf to the emotional truths of the show.

The same thing about making the ending so Jack-centric. While the image of Jack closing his eyes was beautiful in its symmetry, in its mirror imaging of the opening, it was the wrong ending for the way the show had evolved over the years. After the pilot, Jack was never again credible as a hero or a leader, and his character quickly became less interesting than many of the others.

Sawyer, in a way perhaps unexpected by the writers when the show first started, showed himself to be both a better leader of the LOST-ies and a more credible romantic leading man than Jack. The extraordinary acting of Terry O’Quinn and Michael Emerson made their characters far more surprising and interesting than Fox’s. Most of all, the show was an ensemble effort, and turning the finale into Jack’s story missed the essential aspect of what the “character story” was all about.

The second unsatisfactory answer the show gave us was that the LOST-ies were brought to the Island by Jacob to keep the light going. But this doesn’t even make sense. If Jack was destined to save the world by putting the butt-plug in the light socket, then what were all the rest of the LOST-ies there for? Were they all just substitutes in case Jack got sick? And why these particular individuals?

Remember, Locke was always saying that they were ALL brought there for a reason. EACH OF THEM was brought there for a reason. It was their DESTINY.

In the end, though, it was all about Jack’s destiny, and the rest were reduced to supporting players, hanging out in church waiting for Jack to show up.

Mark wrote, “I thought the show was about reason, rational thought.

I thought the show (up until, but not including, the ending) was about the tension between rational thought and faith.

The light was identity, expressed by the identity principal a=a, the primary example of which is existence exists.

Sorry, that’s over my head.

The narrative is the continuity of the rational mind. The source is identity and the river is the river of individuals who have preserved the human race and rational thought. The island is reality. Everyone arrives there ‘by accident’ from ‘across the sea’. False Locke is mysticism and collectivism.

I thought that Real Locke was the one who represented mysticism and faith. I don’t really know what False Locke was supposed to represent. The Devil? Non-denominational evil?

I don’t think the show was saying that collectivism is bad — in fact, just the opposite. The LOST-ies went from unhappy lonely individuals at the beginning to a happy group, all together at Heaven’s gate, at the end.

The source could be identity, but I think it was supposed to be something larger than that — I think it was meant to be whatever force breathes life into us. It might have been more convincing had it not looked so cheesy. 😉

Anyway, at this point, I’ve only seen the finale once, on the night it was aired. I turned on the rerun for about 10 seconds just to see if they had put on the “pop-up hints,” which they had, and then I turned it off.

But who knows, now that I can talk about it again, maybe I’ll be able to rewatch it some time soon-ish.

Is there anyone reading this who still cares about any of this? Do you still think about the finale, or have you put it behind you and let it go, as Christian Shephard urged us (via his speech to Jack) to do? Or maybe Christian’s advice was only meant for people who are already dead.

Screenshot from Click on picture for original, then click through that for larger shot.

Dominic Monaghan (Charlie) in a music video, thinking about Twinkies

This music video has Eminem rapping, Rihanna singing, and Dominic Monaghan and Megan Fox kissing, fighting, and otherwise acting out the words of the song. At the end, Penny’s boat comes and rescues them all.

Just kidding about that last bit.

The song and the video aren’t my cup of tea (too violent), but I enjoyed seeing Dominic in yet another role.

I found this video on sl-LOST. A lot of the LOST blogs have become inactive, but sl-LOST is still posting fresh, interesting stuff every day, which makes it a great place to go if you want to get a LOST blog fix. Well, after you come here, of course. 😉

In an interview with MTV, Dominic said

the concept of the clip revolves around domestic violence and Eminem’s tumultuous relationship with his twice-ex wife, Kim. “It’s the story of them getting to know each other and it’s the story of their tumultuous relationship and it’s the story of the breakdown of their relationship …

“I was playing Slim Shady and trying as hard as I could to be Slim Shady.”

For motivation, the German-born, British-bred actor said he listened to Em’s first two albums a lot and tried to get into a “nasty, dirty … white trash” frame of mind, strutting around the set in either no shirt or a dirty cut-off T-shirt and thinking about one of his favorite snacks, Twinkies.

Twinkies. Ha.

Michael Emerson on The New Man in Charge (the new LOST feature-ette)

Michael Emerson June 2010 talking abou The New Man in Charge

Michael Emerson, in a June 2010 meet-and-greet, talking about "The New Man in Charge"

A sneak peek is available for the much-anticipated special feature that will be in the Season 6 and Complete Collection DVD sets. The feature tells what happens to Hurley and Ben after they take over the job of guardians of the Island.

Ben in The New Man in Charge

Ben in "The New Man in Charge"

The entire video, which runs about 12 minutes, was leaked to YouTube earlier today, but the studio quickly pulled it down. The controversy that arose after the finale appears to be carrying over to the new feature-ette, which is said to answer some of the remaining unanswered questions, but leave others still hanging. One viewer, for example, who got a chance to see the whole video said, “After watching the full thing, I can tell you that it’s perfunctory and about tying up loose ends (although it still doesn’t manage to get them all).”

Damon Lindelof tweeted, “I’m so glad we made ‘The New Man in Charge.’ I was starting to miss getting yelled at.” That made the top tweet list, with over 100 retweets — presumably a lot more than 100, but 100 is where Twitter stops counting.

My feeling is that at this point, I’ve long since given up on ever getting any sense of resolution. Since I no longer have any expectations, I can’t be disappointed, at least when it comes to any lack of meaningful answers. I do think the opportunity to see Michael Emerson and Jorge Garcia reprise their roles will be a treat.

Here’s a clip of Michael Emerson, on a trip in June to his hometown in Iowa, casually sitting on the edge of a stage, talking about the feature, which, he says, he was “actually more excited to film than the finale.” Hmmm. I wonder if he is trying to tell us something. (The video clip was filmed by jshbckr, who also asked the question that Emerson is responding to):

As for the sneak peek itself, the embedding has been disabled, but you can watch it here: The New Man in Charge sneak peek.

Pre-order LOST: The Complete Collection on DVD or Blu-ray for 30% – 35% off. Pre-order the Season 6 set on DVD or Blu-ray for 37% to 40% off.

Teaser/promo video for LOST: The Complete Collection

Inner box in LOST: The Complete Collection

Inner box in LOST: The Complete Collection

It’s got a box within the box, a replica of the Island, the game (Senet) that Jacob played with the Boy in Black, an episode guide, a Black Rock journal entry, an ankh, a “black light torch to uncover clues,” and, of course, DVDs for all six seasons plus bonus material.

Music on the promo is by LOST composer Michael Giacchino:

Pre-order LOST: The Complete Collection on DVD or Blu-ray for 30% – 35% off.

Video via LostSeasonSix

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