Jack, in the finale
What did you think of the LOST finale?Market Research
Picture of Jack is a promo photo via lost-media.com. Click picture for larger version.
Posted in 6x17-18 Finale: "The End", Polls
Will we see a close-up of an eye at the very end of the finale, and if so whose eye will it be?online survey
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Posted in Polls guessing about the end
Do you think we’ll find out what the Man in Black’s real name is?online survey
Posted in Man in Black (Titus Welliver), Polls guessing about the end
What will we learn about the sideways world? (pick as many as apply)online surveys
Posted in Polls guessing about the end, Sideways world
Do you think we will see Walt and/or Vincent again, in the finale?survey software
Posted in Polls guessing about the end, Vincent (Madison and Pono)
Do you think Kate will end up with Jack or Sawyer?online surveys
Posted in Jate (Jack and Kate), Polls guessing about the end, Skate (Sawyer and Kate)
Poll: Who do you think will be the guardian of the light, at the end?online survey
Also available: Jack, Sayid, Miles, Claire, Ben, Kate, Hurley, Locke, Jacob, and the Man in Black.
Also available for men.
See all LOST bobbleheads and action figures from Entertainment Earth.