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Recap of 5×14 The Variable

Faraday, saying, "She was wrong."

Faraday, saying, "She was wrong."

An amazing episode.

After we’ve heard Jack wail so many times, “We have to go back! We have to go back!” it turns out that no, they didn’t have to go back after all.

Faraday’s theory about how you can’t change the past is turned on its head.

We see Mommy issues that are just as twisted as the show’s ubiquitous Daddy issues.

The episode starts with a fabulous beginning, quickly flipping through scenes we’ve seen before — Faraday telling space-suited Desmond to meet him in Oxford, Eloise saying “God help us all,” Ben shooting Desmond.

Then new footage of Desmond in the hospital, Penny and baby Charlie. Eloise Hawking shows up! Says this was her son’s fault.

30 years earlier…. Faraday is coming out of submarine hatch, which we saw at the end of the last episode. Faraday asks Jack why he came back. Jack says Faraday’s mother told him it was his destiny. Faraday tells Jack, “She was wrong.”

Flashback to young Daniel playing the piano. His mother asks him if he knows what destiny means, and says it’s a special gift that must be nurtured. His gift is his mind, his talents in math and science. So he will have no more time for the piano! “I can make time,” Daniel says, but Mom Eloise is unyielding.

Meanwhile in Dharmaville, Jack finds out that Phil is in Sawyer’s closet.

Faraday goes to the Orchid. Dr Chang says “God help us all” — we saw this earlier this season in Episode 1. Faraday says that there will be an explosion in the Swan station 30,000 times more powerful than the one in the Orchid. Dr C asks, how do you know? Faraday says, I’m from the future. Faraday tells Dr. C that Miles is his son. Miles is not pleased.

Flashback of Daniel graduating, getting his doctorate. Mom Eloise is horribly rude to Daniel’s girlfriend Theresa, then whisks him off to lunch alone. He tells her he has a grant from Charles Widmore! Her expression is unreadable. She gives him a gift, and then leaves. It’s the book that we always see him writing in, his constant.

Dharma time. All the Dharma losties are meeting, talking about skipping town, debating whether to get on the sub or go into the jungle. Knock on door. It’s Miles and Faraday. Sawyer, to Miles: “He still crazy?” Miles: “It’s on a whole new level, man.”

Flashback to Daniel freaking out while watching the news on TV about Flight 815 being under the sea. (We’ve seen this part of the scene before.) He’s in terrible shape from having sent himself through time, which destroyed his mind and his memory (and messed up his girlfriend and cost him his job). He doesn’t even know why he’s so upset by the broadcast.

Charles Widmore shows up! Tells Daniel that he had faked the Flight 815 crash. Offers him a new opportunity — to go to the Island. Tells him it will heal his mind. Says he shouldn’t be wasting his gifts. Faraday says, “You sound like my mother.” Widmore says that’s because they are friends.

Dharma Losties argue about whether to go to the Hostiles to find Ellie, Faraday’s mother. Jack wants to, Sawyer doesn’t. They both appeal to Kate, but it’s Juliet who tells them the fence combination. They split up — Kate, Jack, and Faraday take off. Faraday sees little Charlotte, tells her she has to leave. They have a shoot-out with Radzinsky.

Flashback to messed-up Faraday playing the piano. Mom Eloise comes in, tells him he should accept Widmore’s offer. She echos Widmore in saying that the Island will heal him. Faraday, pathetic, asks Eloise if taking the job will make her proud of him.

Dharma time. Faraday says, this is our present. Any one of us can die.” Well, there goes my theory.

Radzinsky finds Phil in Sawyer/Juliet’s closet. Uh oh!

Faraday explains to Kate and Jack that after the explosion goes off in the Swan, then the hatch will be built, the button will have to be pushed to keep the energy contained, Flight 815 will crash, and he himself will be on the freighter, and so on. All of that will be the result of the explosion that is about to happen.

He says he thought that you couldn’t change the past, but that’s because he was thinking of the constants. But what about variables? He says THEY are the variables. They CAN change their destiny.

And he intends to do that by detonating the H-bomb.

Back to Penny and Eloise, who says she has come to apologize. For once, she doesn’t know what is going to happen next. But Desmond is fine! He tells Penny, “I promised I’d never leave you again.”

Eloise walks out of the hospital. Widmore creeps out of the shadows. She tells him he should go inside and visit his daughter, Penny. He says that relationship was one of the things he had to sacrifice. She says, don’t talk to me about sacrifices. I sent my son back, she says, knowing full well what would happen.

Widmore says, “He’s my son too!”

Eloise slaps him.

In Dharma time, our trio creeps up on the Hostile’s camp. Faraday confronts Richard Alpert. Then young Eloise shoots Faraday! He says, “You knew. You always knew this would happen.” But young Eloise has a blank expression. Is she faking?

And is Faraday dead?

Screencap of Faraday (lightened/cropped) from the DarkUFO sneak peek video #2 in my previous post, (c) ABC

Amazing sneak peeks of 5×14 The Variable, which will air tonight April 29, 2009

Jeremy Davies as Daniel Faraday

Jeremy Davies as Daniel Faraday

The Variable, LOST’s 100th episode, is going to focus on Daniel Faraday, showing his flashbacks for the first time.

In the April 23, 2009 official audio podcast, Damon and Carlton confirm (as I had guessed in an earlier post) that the title “The Variable” is a reference to “The Constant” from last season, and there is indeed a connection between the two episodes — in an interview, Damon calls the new episode a “companion piece” to the previous one.

We will also see Desmond tonight, and find out if he survived being shot by Ben.

In the podcast, Damon and Carlton say they think The Variable came out as one of the best episodes of the season, and they’re excited to see what we think of it.

Here are three great clips from the episode, courtesy of DarkUFO. Don’t watch if you want to remain completely unspoiled! Otherwise … enjoy!

Sawyer and Juliet:

Faraday, Jack, and Miles. Wow. This clip literally gave me chills! –>

Faraday and Dr. Chang:

This episode looks like it’s going to be AMAZING.

Promos for 5×14 The Variable

The next episode is called The Variable. The title must be meant as a nod to The Constant, the title of the 4th Season episode where Desmond visited Faraday in Oxford, in 1996, and watched Faraday send his lab mouse “Eloise” on a fatal trip through time.

Here are a couple of very short trailers:

This one ran after Some Like it Hoth. The part for The Variable starts at 0:17

Here’s the 10-second promo that ran after the clip show:

And here is a slideshow of promo photos from the episode, showing our Lostie friends in their Dharma outfits (may be very slightly spoiler-ish):

The Variable will air on Wednesday, April 29, 2009, at 9:00 pm to 10:02 pm (an hour earlier Central).

Instant recap of the LOST clip-show special “The Story of the Oceanic 6”

The Oceanic 6

The Oceanic 6

I’m typing this up during the commercial breaks of the show.

9:08 First segment was a fast-paced recap of the first four seasons, except for the flash-forwards, with the most emphasis placed on Season 4, especially the part where the Oceanic 6 decided they were going to lie when they got back.

It was okay. I’d rather be watching a new episode, but the fast pace kept it interesting.

One of the clips they showed was of Locke saying, “What if everything that happened here, happened for a reason?” You think he was giving a shout-out to this blog? Ha ha ha.

9:17 They went through material that had previously been shown piece by piece in the Season 4 flash-forwards (along with a few clips from Kate’s Season 5 flashback), telling the stories from the point of view of one character at a time, in a fairly linear fashion. This is what I had been expecting from the clip show — something similar to the Season 4 DVD feature “The Course of the Future.” The DVD feature went into more detail, though.

9:28 This segment was about Season 5, touching quickly on the left-behind Losties flashing through time, and then focusing on Locke going back to the mainland and trying to convince the Oceanic 6 to come back. We got to see Ben kill Locke, which I’m not sure I really needed to see again.

9:37 Meanwhile back on the mainland … These were scenes from the end of Season 4 and the beginning of Season 5, as the Oceanic 6 inched closer to going back. Not super exciting, although I was glad to see one of my favorite moments — Hurley throwing a Hot Pocket at Ben.

9:48 More on the Oceanic 6, before they left for the Island. This was all recent and familiar material. I did enjoy seeing Eloise Hawking in her underground lair again.

10:01 The last segment picked up with Ben attacking Desmond and Penny on the pier, and then showed, in linear order, scenes that had previously been jumbled: the Losties getting on the plane, the plane crash, and the experiences of the group that landed in Dharma time. There was then a brief moment with the Beachies, stopping at the point where Locke lowered his hood. What happened in the last few episodes wasn’t included.

This clip show would probably be useful for new viewers who want to get quickly up to speed, but if you are a regular viewer and you missed it, don’t worry. It was strictly a review, mostly of recent material. No new questions were answered, no secrets revealed, and no special insights offered. It was a fairly enjoyable way to spend an hour, but not a crucial one for the show’s fans.

Pictures of the Oceanic 6 (c) ABC, via Lostpedia

Reminder — Clip show special tonight, April 22, 2009 — no new episode

The clip show special, LOST: The Story of the Oceanic 6, will be on at 9:00 pm to 10:02 pm (an hour earlier Central time). Promo. Press release. No new episode tonight!

There will be a new episode NEXT week called The Variable. It will be the show’s 100th episode. Happy 100th Birthday, LOST! You don’t look a day over 90. 😉

Promo for “The Story of the Oceanic 6”

Here’s a 15-second promo (it’s the one they showed at the end of the last episode) for the clip show “The Story of the Oceanic 6,” coming up on April 22.

I looks like they are going to be covering the flash-forwards from last season, along with some of what happened this season after the Losties returned to the Island.

Can anyone, who is quick on the pause button, make out what the video shows about a quarter of a second in, right after it shows Kate, and right before the screen says “Wednesday”? Is that the wreck of 815, or is it something else?

Jorge Garcia (Hurley) on Jimmy Kimmel


In this clip from earlier this week (the evening before LOST Episode 5×13 aired), Jorge is funny, talking about time travel, buying toilet paper at the grocery store with coupons, not going surfing, and spotting a stranger in his back yard.

For more Jorge, check out his blog.

Screencap of Jorge Garcia from Jimmy Kimmel Live, April 14, 2009 (c) ABC

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