Category Archives: Types of Posts

Caption Contest — win a LOST Season 5 Dharma Initiative DVD Kit!

Update 11/29/09 — Congratulations to Jon, who wrote the winning caption:

I’d like to order a super-sized pallet of Dharma-Pockets for the next Resupply Drop. Dude, How can you be OUT?

Thanks to everyone who entered!

For more on the entries, and to see the runners up, see the contest winner post.
Original post below:

LOST publicity still high resolution jack hurley sayid

Caption this! (Click for larger high-resolution image)

I’m pleased to be able to give away one LOST Season 5 limited edition Dharma Initiative Orientation DVD Kit to the winner of the LOST for a Reason Photo Caption Contest.

Your assignment: Write a caption for the Season 5 publicity photo above. If you’re feeling especially inspired, write two captions. Or even three.


1. Write a caption for the publicity photo above. The funniest, most clever, and/or most entertaining caption will win.

2. All captions must be entered in the comment section below.

3. Each person may enter up to three captions.

4. Beacause of the DVD format, the winner MUST have a mailing address in the United States or Canada. (Apologies to my international friends!)

5. Contest closes at the end of Saturday, November 28, 2009 (Pacific time).

6. The winner will be contacted by email, and a list of the winner and runners up will be posted here on Sunday, November 29, 2009.

Here’s what the prize looks like. It has the Season 5 DVDs plus a lot of cool extras:

Season 5 Dharma Initiative Orientation Kit

Publicity Photo Courtesy of Buena Vista Home Entertainment. ©ABC Studios. Thanks also to Buena Vista Home Entertainment for providing the Dharma Initiative Kit.

It’s official! LOST Season 6 starts Tuesday, February 2, 2010

LOST Season 6 PosterABC just announced the official U.S. starting date for the new LOST season.

Schedule for February 2, 2010

8 to 9 PM — Recap show
9 to 11 PM — Two-hour premiere

The regular time period will be Tuesday nights from 9 to 10 PM, starting on February 9.

Everything is an hour earlier in Central Time.

Source: ABC press release

Official Season 6 promo poster — enormous blow-up

Detail from LOST Season 6 promo poster with Locke, Sawyer, and Ben

Detail from Season 6 promo poster

That’s just one detail of a small area of the poster. See the whole poster on TVOvermind: monster-sized blow-up of LOST promo poster.

It looks as if everyone who has ever been a major cast member is on there, with one notable exception. (Hint: Name starts with W and ends with T.)

The biggest mystery is why is Locke facing away from us when everyone else is facing forward?

Will LOST still be on Wednesdays?

LOST Season 6 Poster

Update 11/19/09: ABC just announced that LOST Season 6 will be on Tuesday nights.

Original post below:

ABC will be cancelling Eastwick after 13 episodes. That will leave a 10 PM Wednesday night slot open, which seems perfect for LOST.

But E! Online reports that ABC is thinking of moving Ugly Betty into that time slot in order to make Wednesdays solid nights of comedy.

P.S. Eastwick is one of my favorite guilty pleasures. Though it’s not a brilliant show like LOST, it’s a lot of fun, with exuberant acting, a dab of suspense, and more strong women characters per square inch than the vast majority of shows on TV.

This may be a lost cause (no pun intended), but if you like Eastwick too, please consider signing the petition to save the show. Fans of the show are also trying to get #SaveEastwick onto Twitter’s Trending Topics list.

LOST Season 6 Poster via Lostpedia

The ‘We Like Lost’ rap

“We like LOST and we don’t care who knows
Why does the statue only have four toes?”

Video by The Donkey Wheel

I like ‘V’ better than ‘FlashForward’

Promo picture for "V" with Elizabeth Mitchell in the center

Promo picture for "V" with Elizabeth Mitchell in the center

While there’s only been one episode of V so far, I’m already liking it better than FlashForward, the other show with a LOST alum as a star. I thought V had more interesting characters (the teenagers, in particular, I thought were very well done), better production values (the inside of the ship was cool), better dramatic conflicts, better dialogue, and hints of some intriguing themes.

It’s no LOST (even if they did have a guy who got out of a wheelchair), but so far, it looks good.

What do you think? Which science-fiction show, with an FBI investigation, starring a blonde LOST actress, do you prefer?

Editing to add 8/17/10: After the haitus, I thought FlashFoward got much better, and by the end, I was sorry that it was canceled. I wanted to see more. I thought V, on the other hand, went downhill in the spring. So I’ve changed my mind completely about both shows. This was one case where first impressions were not accurate!

LOST Season 6 Promo

They showed this little 15-second promo for LOST tonight during FlashForward. It’s got clips from previous seasons, but nothing from Season 6 itself. Apparently, ABC isn’t going to be revealing anything from the new season until it actually starts, the better to keep us in suspense.

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