notLocke in "LA X"
Darlton were also on Jimmy Kimmel tonight, where they were quite entertaining. Here it is, in two parts:
Picture of notLocke is from the scene near the end where he is talking to Ben. It’s from lost-media.com.
notLocke in "LA X"
Darlton were also on Jimmy Kimmel tonight, where they were quite entertaining. Here it is, in two parts:
Picture of notLocke is from the scene near the end where he is talking to Ben. It’s from lost-media.com.
Posted in 6x01-02 LA X, Damon and Carlton, Interviews
Statue Foot Underwater (from 6x01)
The season 6 premiere was awesome, but do you think it was the best?
Image of underwater foot from lost-media.com.
Posted in 6x01-02 LA X
The temple, LOST 6x01
That was mind-boggling. Loved the way it started twice, first in the sky, then on the Island. It’s like everyone gets to be right — the people who thought there would be a time reset AND the people who thought there wouldn’t.
Out of all the many questions raised in the episode, these are the questions that are melting my mind the most:
1. How can they be in two places at once? WTF?
2. Who are those other Others?
3. NotLocke seemed to admire RealLocke, in a way. Is that why he chose him to impersonate?
4. How did Sayid come back to life?
5. How did Juliet know the bomb worked?
6. Why does sand create a barrier that NotLocke/Smoky can’t cross?
7. Why is there a space in the title?
Screenshot of the temple is from lost-media.com.
Posted in 6x01-02 LA X
Tonight, Tuesday Feb. 2, is the night for the U.S. premiere!
8:00 – 9:00 There will be a clip/recap show called “Final Chapter.” Here’s ABC’s description:
A chapter in the crash of Oceanic flight 815 on the mysterious island spotlights inhabitants, questions that have been answered, and those that remain a mystery.
9:00 – 11:00 The new season begins, with “L AX” parts 1 and 2. ABC’s description:
The aftermath from the detonation of the hydrogen bomb is revealed.
(Times an hour earlier for Central time)
LOST also starts tonight, Feb. 2, in Canada (though I don’t know the exact time). LOST start dates for other countries (according to Wikipedia): Feb. 4 in Israel and Ireland, Feb. 5 in the UK and Turkey, Feb. 9 in Spain, Feb. 10 in Italy and New Zealand, and sometime later in February in Australia.
Posted in 6x01-02 LA X, Clip show: Final Chapter, Schedule
I wasn’t sure I wanted to watch this — I’m trying hard not to be spoiled — but, in the end, I just couldn’t resist.
Warning — if this is real (and I think that it is) there is a huge spoiler at the end.
So you’ve been warned.
I must say, though, that it’s very exciting …
Via latestlost and DarkUFO
Posted in 6x01-02 LA X, Promos and sneak peeks