Category Archives: 5×16-17 The Incident

Major OMG moments in the Season 5 Finale

Things that made me say OMG when they happened:

OMG, I was right about the statue — it’s Taweret!

OMG, Jacob met Little Kate!

OMG, Jacob had something to do with Nadia’s death!

OMG, Sayid got shot in the stomach!

OMG Jacob is reading a book by Flannery O’Connor! (This is kind of a personal OMG, because Flannery O’Connor used to be one of my favorite writers, and a model when I was writing short stories)

OMG, Sun and Jin’s wedding vows were so sweet! (No OMG for Jacob being there and speaking Korean, because by this time, that was almost expected.)

OMG, I think Miles may have nailed it — the bomb will cause, not prevent, the “incident.”

OMG, the bomb didn’t go off.

OMG, Juliet fell down the hole! Noooooo!

OMG, Richard knows the answer to Ilana’s riddle.

OMG, Locke is in the box!

OMG, Michael Emerson is such a good actor! (“What about me?”)

OMG, Juliet is still alive!

OMG, the screen turns white.

OMG, How am I going to wait eight months for the next episode? OMG, OMG, OMG.

Damon and Carlton rehash and prehash — and explain, sort of, the compass

"Locke's compass is in an infinite mobius loop" -- Damon and Carlton

"Locke's compass is in an infinite mobius loop" -- Damon and Carlton

The May 11, 2009 official audio podcast, a good one that I recommend listening to in its entirety if you have time, is Damon and Carlton’s last for Season 5. Michael Emerson, though, will be doing the podcast next week to rehash the Finale.

On the podcast, Damon and Carlton rehash Follow the Leader, talking about how Locke emerged as a strong and compelling guy in tune with the Island, much to the consternation of Ben and Richard Alpert, and how Jack had finally found his mission, after weeks of mopping floors and erasing chalkboards, although he hasn’t been able to attract many followers.

As for the finale, they say we will get a substantial piece of information, and that by the end of the premiere of Season 6, we will have enough information to be able to come up with some theories about how it will all end.

In response to a question about the compass — the one that Locke gave to Alpert and Alpert gave to Locke — they say that what they have done with the compass was intentional in terms of the broader themes of the show. The compass is a puzzle that really has no solution. It is purposefully perplexing — it has no origin! It is in an infinite Mobius loop.

They say they believe there is a large portion of mystery and magic in the world, and it is not their intention to demystify the world of LOST by overexplaining things.

Damon and Carlton’s next talk will be at Comic-Con — their final appearance there.

Photo of Mobius strip by David Benbennick, via Wikipedia, GNU FDL

Michael Emerson talks about the smoke monster and the Season 5 finale

I like watching and listening to Michael Emerson in interviews. He is smart and well-spoken, has a nice subtle sense of humor, and speaks in the well-modulated tones of a stage actor.

This interview from TV Guide was done several weeks ago, after the Benjamin-Linus-centric episode Dead is Dead. Michael talked about some things that are coming up in the show. They are not actually spoilers — more like little teases.

He said that we haven’t seen the last of the Smoke Monster.

He called the Season 5 finale shocking and said it was packed with action, with many story lines coming to a head … a really big head. He said we will finally get to lay eyes on certain much talked-about characters who we have never seen before. And, he said, the ending of the ending is an “explosive” one.

Promos, leaked sneak peek, and schedule for the LOST Season 5 Finale

Can you believe that Season 5 is almost over? I don’t want it to end!

The Finale should be great, though.

Wednesday evening will start off with yet another clip/recap show, this one called Lost: A Journey in Time. From the press release, it sounds as if it will pick up where the last one left off, after the Losties returned to the Island.

Right after the clip show, the 2-hour Season 5 Finale, The Incident parts 1 & 2, will begin.

The Incident was written by our old friends Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse. The director is Jack Bender, who has directed many of the best LOST episodes, including, among many others, all of the previous Season Finales, The Constant, The Man from Tallahassee (probably my all-time favorite episode), and most recently, Some Like it Hoth.

Here’s the trailer for the finale:

And here are some promo pictures (Contains spoilers, including one character I wasn’t expecting to see!):

Here’s a sneak peek that was leaked from the set. It looks like it might be rehearsal footage or an early take (?) shot by a bystander (?) on the set (Contains spoilers!)


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

8:00 – 9:00 pm Clip show Lost: A Journey in Time

9:00 – 11:00 pm Finale, Episodes 16 and 17, The Incident, parts 1 and 2

(Everything is an hour earlier in Central Time)

Please don’t post any spoiler info in the comments (including anything spoiler-ish from the promo pictures and videos above) until after the Finale airs in the U.S.

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