Category Archives: Characters (and their actors)

Matthew Fox (Jack), shirtless in Rome

A photographer snapped several pictures of a shirtless Matthew Fox standing on his hotel balcony. I guess the weather must have been nice!

Matthew Fox, without his shirt, on a balcony in Rome, July 2009

Matthew Fox, without his shirt, on a balcony in Rome, July 2009

You can see a full set of 18 pictures of Matthew’s day — many pictures of him with his wife, son, and mother, seeing the sights of Rome, as well as a few more balcony shots, one showing off his tattoo — on

I also found an interesting description of Tuesday’s Fiction Fest event, written by Elisabetta, an Italian blogger who was there with a group of fellow hardcore Matthew Fox fans. They showed up wearing Dharma jumpsuits! Elisabetta writes about how they were screaming — so they may have been the ones whose screams you can hear on the video of the master class when Matthew Fox walked onto the stage. Read a detailed description of their day, and see a picture of them in their jumpsuits, on the Foxy and Jack Rule blog.

Photo from, (c)

LOST Promo from the Roma Fiction Fest

Here’s a three-minute promo that was shown at the Roma Fiction Fest this week. The promo focuses on how LOST is a global phenomenon. At the end, there’s a little teaser for Season 6, aka the “Destiny Found” season.

Also, while I was browsing on YouTube, I found a cute (though shaky) video clip of Terry O’Quinn (Locke) and Jorge Garcia (Hurley) at the first Roma Fiction Fest, two years ago:

Videos by dudeoneeighttwo and malamoffo

Damon, Carlton, Jack Bender and Matthew Fox in Rome

They sure are getting around! They conducted a master class today at the Roma Fiction Fest, an event, now in its third year, dedicated to television drama.

Here’s the opening of the LOST program. It’s fun to hear the way people scream “Matthew!” when Fox walks onto the stage.

In the next video, the master class begins. Damon, Carlton, and Jack Bender talk about the early days of the show, why they think it is special — and how they got away with doing weird things. Questions are in Italian and answers in English:

It looks like the master class lasted about an hour and a half. There are nine videos covering it, which you can find here: LOST at Roma Fiction Fest on YouTube.

Videos by griffin13508822008 and Vale1187

Titus Welliver talks about his character

Titus Welliver

Titus Welliver

Titus Welliver played Man # 2, aka The Man in Black, aka Jacob’s Nemesis, aka “Esau,” in the Season 5 finale. In the last minute of this video from TV Guide (via latestlost), Titus talks about his character’s lack of a name. He also says that there is a greater power that he and Jacob answer to — which is something I had suspected earlier.

Photo from Lostpedia

Jorge Garcia (Hurley) dancing

Here’s a cute short promo that ABC put out to cross-promote LOST and Dancing With the Stars, featuring Jorge dancing with a rake to a Britney Spears song:

Matthew Fox (Jack) gets his turn at “Ask Lost”

Matthew Fox in "Ask Lost"

Matthew Fox in "Ask Lost"

Did you ever see the old Groucho Marx TV show, You Bet Your Life? It was a game show where contestants answered questions in various categories. In each episode, there was also a “secret word.” A toy duck was lowered from the ceiling with the secret word in its beak, so that the audience could see what it was. If any of the contestants said the word while chatting with Groucho, the duck would come down again and give them a prize of $100.

Ever since I decided, on a whim, to name this blog “For a Reason,” I’ve become hyperaware of that phrase. Now, whenever I hear one of the characters say “for a reason” on the show or hear one of the actors say the phrase in an interview, I feel as if they had just uttered the secret word. I think “Ding ding ding!” and wish that a toy duck would descend from the ceiling bearing a prize.

While watching this video, the sixth in the “Ask Lost” series, I had one of those wishing-for-Groucho’s-duck moments, because Matthew Fox does indeed say the secret phrase “for a reason.” Give that man a hundred dollars!

Elizabeth Mitchell (Juliet) gets her turn to answer viewer questions

Elizabeth Mitchell in "Ask Lost"

Elizabeth Mitchell in "Ask Lost"

In the fifth segment of “Ask Lost,” Elizabeth Mitchell tells us that she would enjoy playing the part of Sayid, and that it was easy for her to slip into Juliet’s “whole creepy thing.”

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