Category Archives: Characters (and their actors)

Jack’s head in a coconut

This is a LOST promo from Spain, which is unlike any promo I’ve seen in the U.S. It’s very surrealistic:

The words held by the crabs at the end — Te queremos encontrar — translate (I think) to “You want to find.” What does that mean? “Find” as a play on words on “Lost”? Your guess is as good as mine.

From sl-Lost via latestlost

Michael Emerson’s Emmy-winning role in “The Practice”

I hope the third time will be the charm for Michael Emerson, who has just been nominated again for an Emmy for playing Benjamin Linus, after being nominated for that role, but losing, twice before.

Emerson did win a much-deserved Emmy for an earlier role as a guest actor on the legal show The Practice in 2001. He played William Hinks, a man accused of being a serial killer.

Michael Emerson as William Hinks on "The Practice"

Michael Emerson as William Hinks on "The Practice"

The first segment of the story is about Hinks’ trial. You can watch it in five YouTube videos, which is not as daunting as it sounds, as several of the videos are very short. All together, this segment runs about 15 minutes. If you watch all five videos, you’ll be rewarded with a clever plot twist.

(The network may pull these off of YouTube, as they did previous copies that were posted, so enjoy them while you can.)

Michael Emerson is mesmerizing in this multi-layered role. He acts rings around the other actors. You can also see the similarities between William Hinks and Ben Linus. Hinks is like Ben on a bad day — or, perhaps, on a good day, depending on your perspective:

Continued here: Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 <-- This one gave me chills! | Part 5 <-- Wow! There are several more scenes which are (I think) from subsequent episodes. While the previous scenes reminded me of a chess game, the following scenes are more like a horror movie: Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9

According to Wikipedia (citing audio commentary on the Season 3 DVD), the LOST producers offered Emerson the role of Ben because they liked his work on The Practice. Emerson, though, in an interview a few months ago, said he thought he only “indirectly” got the job on LOST because of The Practice.

He added, laughing, that the two roles are “at least in the same temperature zone.”

Would that be cold (as an icy heart) or hot (as the inner circle of Hell)?

The Practice (c) 20th Century Fox. The screenshot is from video #4, when Hinks is on the witness stand.

LOST nominated for five Emmy Awards

Emmy Award

Great news: LOST got nominated for best drama series, Michael Emerson got nominated, for the third time, for best supporting actor, and Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof got nominated for best writing for the season finale episode, The Incident

Here’s the complete list of all the nominations for LOST:

  • Outstanding drama series: LOST
  • Outstanding supporting actor in a drama series: Michael Emerson
  • Outstanding writing for a drama series: Cuse and Lindelof, for The Incident
  • Outstanding Single-Camera Picture Editing For A Drama Series: Stephen Semel, Mark Goldman, and Chris Nelson, for The Incident
  • Outstanding Sound Mixing For A Comedy Or Drama Series (One Hour): Robert Anderson, Ken King, Scott Weber, and Frank Morrone, for The Incident

Source: Emmy site

Here’s a video clip of LOST winning Best Drama Series in 2005, for its first season:

Picture of Emmy Award from Wikipedia

Michael Emerson, 17 years ago

In 1992, Michael Emerson was already playing characters that hang out with people wearing jumpsuits ;)

In 1992, Michael Emerson was already playing characters that hang out with people wearing jumpsuits 😉

In this 1992 training film for prison employees, Michael Emerson plays a prison counselor. He looks so young! He’s a better actor now, and, I think, more interesting-looking. Time has been good to him.

He first appears in the video about a minute-and-a-half in:

Posted on YouTube by mariloulem, who has a whole collection of Michael Emerson videos.

Josh Holloway, without his shirt, in a cologne ad campaign

I think this is one of the best pictures of Josh Holloway without his shirt that I’ve seen — and that’s saying a lot. It’s from a print ad:

Josh Holloway in an ad for Cool Water cologne

Josh Holloway in an ad for Cool Water cologne

This is a screenshot from a TV ad for the same cologne:

Josh Holloway, emerging from the ocean, in screenshot from TV commercial

Josh Holloway, emerging from the ocean, in screenshot from TV commercial

Editing to add: I just found a copy of the commercial on YouTube, so I’m adding it in here:

And these are some screenshots from a video about the making of the ads. The first one does stray from the without-his-shirt theme of this post, but he looked so good there, I had to include it:

Josh Holloway, with stubble, in the "Making of" video

Josh Holloway, with stubble, in the "Making of" video

Josh Holloway, in "Making of" video, getting ready to dive

Josh Holloway, in "Making of" video, getting ready to dive

A blog devoted to men’s grooming products has posted what appear to be publicity stills from the making of the commercial. I especially like the one of Josh in jeans and no shirt, lying on his back, surrounded by the camera crew:

Josh Holloway lying down

Josh Holloway lying down

Print ad and videos (c) Davidoff Parfums

Several print ads, the TV ad video, and the “Making of” video are all available on the Cool Waters site.

Fanatic Sawyer fans (you know who you are) can also download wallpaper-sized high-resolution copies of the first image, as well as screensavers for the PC or Mac, on the Cool Waters “Goodies” page.

The “Josh Holloway lying down” picture is from The Grooming Guru, where you can find a much larger and higher-resolution copy, along with other high-resolution pictures from the commercial shoot. Editing 7/19/09 to add: Here’s one more!

Ask LOST — Michael Emerson (Part 2)

Michael Emerson in "Ask Lost" part 2

Michael Emerson in "Ask Lost" part 2

This is the 7th short video in the Ask LOST series. It appears to be the last one that ABC is going to put out, at least for now. So it’s fitting that this portion of the series ends where it began — with Michael Emerson.

He’s my favorite actor, of all the LOST actors, to watch being interviewed. I just love the way he thinks about what he’s saying — you can almost see the gears turning in his head. I love the sound of his voice, as I’ve mentioned before — his stage actor’s diction. Most of all, I love his sense of humor. A great example of that is in the last segment of this video, where he gently pulls our leg with an almost straight face — and then, holding off until the very last moment, he breaks out in a grin.

I do disagree, though, with Emerson’s notion that Ben hasn’t fundamentally changed. I think Ben changed a lot, in this last season — or else we are seeing a radically different side of him that we had never seen before. Ben had always been such a powerful presence, the alpha bad guy, but in Season 5 he became greatly diminished, losing alpha status first to Locke (or, rather, to notLocke), and then to Jacob. In his last scene in the Finale, he seemed to regress back to being a wounded child, which was something far different, though no less lethal, from the terrifying puppetmaster he had been in Seasons 2, 3, and 4.

Kate taking off her shirt

Those of you who used to read my old blog might remember the series of posts I did called “Without Their Shirts.” I thought about that today, after I found the pictures of Matthew Fox without his shirt in Rome. I thought it might be fun to redo the series here, and it would be a good chance to freshen it up with some new video clips, because so many of the clips I used before have subsequently been pulled off of YouTube.

I think that LOST combines highbrow and lowbrow impulses in a way few other TV shows do. It’s full of literary references and sophisticated character development, but also contains many action sequences and a generous sprinkling of unabashed beef- and cheesecake.

This first clip, which shows Kate taking off her shirt while standing in the ocean, is LOST at its most cheescakiest. There is no reason for this scene to exist other than to show her taking off her shirt. And at the end, she simply stands there, looking fabulous in her bra and thong — just posing for the camera.

In this next clip, Kate again takes off her shirt, but this time Sawyer is watching. This scene doesn’t feel gratuitous, the way the first clip did. It shows a key moment in Kate and Sawyer’s relationship. It is also, although only a few seconds long, one of the sexiest scenes ever shown on LOST, in my opinion:

The scene of Kate in the ocean is from the Season 1 Pilot, part 2. The scene of Sawyer and Kate in the cages is from episode 3×04, Every Man for Himself.

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