Category Archives: Ben (Michael Emerson)

Sneak peek # 2 for 6×07 “Dr Linus” — slightly spoilerish

This scene is from the sideways world. It’s SO good:

And, if I can toot my own horn for a sec, Elba, the word that Ben writes on the blackboard in the clip, is something I was thinking about when I wrote my theory Oedipus Lost.

That theory, which I wrote before Season 6 started, now appears to be wrong in some respects. But I think in one respect — that something is going on that has to do with exile — it might be close to being right. Though from what we’ve seen so far this season, it wasn’t Jacob who was in exile and trapped on the Island against his will (which is what I had been thinking at the time) — it was Smokey.

Theories aside, I love to watch sideways Ben as a teacher. That scene from a few episodes back where he was fussing over the coffee pot in the break room was one of my favorite of the season so far. It was pitch perfect — it seemed exactly how Ben would have turned out if he hadn’t been immersed in the Pool of Doom in the temple as a child.

Michael Emerson talks about “24” on “The Soup” — so funny

Michael Emerson is so funny here. With a deadpan (and at times slightly bug-eyed) expression, he pretends to be confused about how characters on “24” could be fatally wounded and then come back to life.

(Emerson comes out at 0:49 in the clip:)

Thanks to Val at Valerie David’s TV News and Reviews for telling me about this.

Oedipus LOST — a theory about Jacob

Oedipus Rex

Getting in one last theory right under the wire before the new season begins …

We know that Jacob brought the LOSTies to the Island, and before that, he brought the Black Rock ship, and before that, he brought other people — the ones who came, fought, destroyed, and corrupted, in the words of the Man in Black.

The big question, of course, is why is Jacob bringing all these people to the Island?

One thing we know about the LOSTies is that, as a group, they have an extraordinary number of Daddy issues.

What if that were actually the reason that Jacob chose them?

And if that were the case, then why?

Suppose that Jacob himself has Daddy issues. Suppose, also, that Jacob is on the Island not because he wants to be, but because he has to be. There’s a hint of that, I think, in Jacob’s oddly impassive reaction to the Man in Black when the MiB said he wanted to kill him.

Combine the two ideas: Jacob having his own Daddy issues, and Jacob being stuck on the Island for centuries against his will. That suggests some sort of crime and punishment, with the Island being a place of exile, a prison. Because of the Island’s strange time-warping properties, Jacob’s sentence spans far more than a normal single lifetime.

Such a long sentence implies there must have been a horrible crime. And the worst crime that exists that involves Daddy issues would be patricide. Maybe, like Oedipus Rex, Jacob — way back in his original life, eons ago — had killed his father.

And now he is stuck, seemingly forever, on an Island prison. Maybe there is only one way for him to end his sentence — by restoring some balance to the world by doing something that would counteract his terrible crime. Only in that way could he atone and be forgiven.

Maybe Jacob’s task is to heal people who have been harmed by terrible rifts with their fathers. More precisely, maybe he is trying to show them how to heal themselves. Success in this task would be the only thing that could release him from his centuries-long sentence.

Perhaps he has tried, and failed, with all the previous groups he brought to the Island — which is what was frustrating the Man in Black. But the current LOSTies do seem to be responding to Jacob’s guidance, and many of then have, while on the Island, come to terms with their Daddy issues and grown beyond them.

Two possible holes in the theory: (1) If the Island is a prison, how did Jacob get off so many times? and (2) What is the role of the Man in Black?

Perhaps Jacob was able to leave only when certain conditions were right, and only for the purpose of choosing people to bring back. As for the second question, maybe the MiB was a participant in, or at least an accessory to Jacob’s crime. Since the MiB does not believe that Jacob will ever be successful in his task, maybe the MiB sees killing Jacob as the only way to bring his own long exile to a close.

And perhaps Jacob could not succeed in his task of guiding enough people beyond the Daddy issues which had warped their lives. At the end of “The Incident,” when Jacob told Ben that he had a choice — he could choose to listen to notLocke, or he could choose to walk away –Ben was so caught up in his Daddy issues, projecting onto Jacob all the rejection he had felt from his own father, that he could not make the right choice. Ben, at that moment, could not get past his Daddy issues, and for Jacob, that meant both failure, in his task as a guide, and death.

Picture of Oedipus Rex from an 1896 production, via Wikipedia

(edited 1/31/10)

Exciting line-up for the Hawaii Film Festival LOST panel

hiff banner

Carlton Cuse tweeted that the special guests have been confirmed:

Michael Emerson (Ben), Jorge Garcia (Hurley), Yunjin Kim (Sun), and Terry O’Quinn (Locke) will all be joining Darlton (Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse) in a panel at the Hawaii International Film Festival on Saturday, October 17.

That should be quite a show! I’m looking forward to seeing the video on YouTube (hopefully, some nice person will post it).

Congratulations, Michael Emerson, on your well-deserved Emmy win!

Michael Emerson giving a short, but sweet acceptance speech

Michael Emerson giving a short, but sweet acceptance speech

Carrie Preston, beaming

Carrie Preston, beaming


Darlton, clasping their hands

The acceptance speech:

The backstage interview:

Pre-Emmy interview of Michael Emerson

TV Guide did a video interview of Michael Emerson and his wife, Carrie Preston, in their Los Angeles home.

Michael showed some of his drawings (it’s not fair that one person can have so many talents!):

Self-portrait by Michael Emerson

Self-portrait by Michael Emerson

He’s not making any predictions about whether he will win the Emmy this year, the third time he’s been nominated for Outstanding Supporting Actor for a Drama Series for his brilliant work on LOST. He said he’ll just be happy to dress up and go to the party.

Here’s the interview:

The Emmys are tomorrow night, Sunday, September 20, 2009 on CBS at 8:00 PM (7:00 PM Central). Tune in and root for Emerson; for the show itself, which is nominated for Outstanding Drama Series; and for the writers (Darlton), editors, and sound mixers who are all nominated for their work on the season finale, The Incident.

Video by TV Guide

Michael Emerson talking about “The Incident”

Ben, to Jacob: "What about me?"

Ben, to Jacob: "What about me?"

I’m still thinking about The Incident.

The last official audio podcast of Season 5, released May 16, 2009, has an entertaining interview with Michael Emerson. He made me laugh again because he appeared to be as amazed by the episode as we were.  He said when he first read the script and saw he would be killing Jacob, he was shocked.

Emerson and his interviewer also talked about the first scene, the one with Jacob and the unamed man I like to call Esau.  The interviewer said that Jacob wearing white and the other man wearing black was a return to the theme of black and white that has appeared in the show before, but that he thought it didn’t necessarily mean that Jacob was good and the other man bad.

Emerson emphatically agreed, and he said, “Our show delights in thwarting those equations.”

I agree also. I’ve seen a lot of theories online that posit that Jacob represents the forces of good, and Esau the forces of evil, and they will have an epic confrontation in Season 6. But I don’t think that’s where the writers are going. At least I hope not.

Emerson also talked about his plans for the summer (now over, alas!). He said he likes to be with his wife Carrie in New York during the summers. They have an enforced separation while LOST is shooting, “so I just like to follow her around during the summer. I like to hold her coat, and fetch her drinks, and be her personal assistant as much as I can.” So sweet! I hope he got a chance to do just that.

He also mentioned he had just finished shooting the character of a radical fundamentalist Puritan in a show for PBS. That should be interesting!

There’s a lot more in the podcast, which is available in the ABC archives:  Official audio podcast of 5/16/09

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