There are some heavyweights behind the scenes of Believe. J.J. Abrams is one of the show’s executive producers. Alfonso Cuaron, who just won the Oscar for Best Director for the movie Gravity, is a co-creator (along with Mark Friedman, who has since left the show).
The premiere is on Monday, March 10, at 10 p.m. The second episode will be on Sunday, March 16, at 9 p.m., which will be the Believe‘s regular timeslot.
Here’s a promo with some behind-the-scenes footage, including comments from Abrams and Cuaron:
And here’s a promo that lays out the show’s premise:

I read all the reviews and comments on the new show Believ and agree that the story is so similar to Touch, which was cancelled (?)
Why do they have to make story lines so wildly imagined that you don’t know if you are watching a sci-fi or a fantasy. It’s one thing to have gifted powers, it’s another to have everyone around her also not “normal”. People get shot up and cars get cut offon thefreeway and there’s no police. Please write something in the
story that I can Believe;, humanity and Truth.