Here’s what I noticed: The clock in the square was stuck at 8:15, the number on Henry’s door was 108, and there was a close-up of Emma’s eye opening (when she was in jail) that was reminiscent of Jack’s. The sound effects right before breaking for commercials were similar to LOST’s. Emma’s last name, Swan, could be a reference to the Swan Station, and near the end of the episode, right after Henry’s mean adoptive Mom told Emma to get out of town, there was a very quick shot, upstairs in Henry’s room, of a swan on some kind of screen (see the picture below). Anyone notice anything else? [Editing to add]: Also, the curse looked like the Smoke Monster.

Clock at 8:15

108 on Henry's door

Emma's eye closed

Emma's eye open

Swan on screen in Henry's room

The curse approaching the castle
Edited to add 10/28: See the comments below for more Lost references that people spotted.
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Haven’t seen the pilot yet? Watch it on IMDB (with no commercials) or the ABC official site.

In episode 3, as Snow White turns the trolls into crickets, the Smoke Monster “roar” can be heard, follwed by the “cricketing” of the crickets which mimicks the clicking sound of the Smoke Monster.
Some recent ones: Henry, in episode 3, says, “We have to go back” (to get John Doe in the woods). And in episode 4, Henry is reading an issue of the comic Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk, which was written by Damon Lindelof.
Apollo bar in the newest episode!
In Episode 06, Emma grabs a bottle of MacCutcheon 60year old Scotch Whiskey. Same bottle and type that Widmore prizes so highly.
Mr. Widmore is Charming’s father. Can’t get more of a shout out than that!
Henry, which is also Emma’s son is the name Ben was under while held captive in the Hatch.
Episode 5 the candy bars Henry takes in the mine are Apollo Bars.
Jan 22 episode. The Apollo bars are growing larger. This one was huge!
The keyring given to Emma on with her room key on also had a swan on it!