LOST may be long over, but new products keep on coming.
Four new bobble heads from Bif Bang Pow! are available for pre-order — although at this point, it looks like they won’t actually be shipped until June, 2011.
The Sawyer bobble head has our nickname-loving hero wearing a shirt (alas!) and a jacket. For some reason, he is holding a gun — I’m not sure what scene this is referencing. He is also holding the letter that played such a poignant role in Season 1.
The Jack Shephard bobble head is posing with Vincent the dog — an odd choice, in my opinion, especially since Jack’s two iconic scenes with Vincent involve Jack lying flat on his back in the jungle, a position which wouldn’t work for a bobble head, as it would interfere with the bobbling. 😉
Besides, whenever I see Vincent, I think, “Where’s Waaaaaaaaaalt?”
Also, is it my imagination, or is Vincent unusually small here?
The bobble head is meant to evoke the Series Pilot — it has Jack wearing a suit, with a bit of the wreckage of Flight 815 on the ground behind him. He’s also got some sexy stubble. In fact, he looks sexier as a bobble head than he did in the series. (Yes, as a Sawyer fan I’m biased, but it’s true!)
The Desmond Hume bobble head shows the Season 2 Desmond, wearing a Dharma jumpsuit and standing by the Swan Station computer, where he is, presumably, about to type in the infamous numbers.
Last, but not least, is what I think is the best bobble head of the bunch — Dr. Leslie Arzt holding a stick of dynamite, about to blow himelf up — a scene which led to one of Hurley’s greatest lines ever.

Wow, cool to know that there are some new designs coming out! My b/f loved Lost, so I will have to get him a couple of these. Sounds like they will be out just in time for his birthday.