In this interview conducted a few days ago (looks like it’s at a pre-Emmy event), LOST writer Damon Lindelof talks about the Finale. Unfortunately, he doesn’t say anything that would give us new insights. He’s responding to a question about whether he feels frustrated when people misinterpret the ending to mean that the LOST-ies were dead all along, and he gives a generic answer about how different people will interpret the show in different ways.
He says he wished that fans who didn’t have the money to buy things at the auction could have had a chance to get a piece of the show, which was a nice thing to say. He himself was outbid on some auction items.
He’s working on the Star Trek sequel and “kicking around” some ideas about what to do next.
From GiveMeMyRemoteTV, via FuckYeahLost.

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You got Mikhail’s eyepatch! Cool.