A sneak peek is available for the much-anticipated special feature that will be in the Season 6 and Complete Collection DVD sets. The feature tells what happens to Hurley and Ben after they take over the job of guardians of the Island.

Ben in "The New Man in Charge"
The entire video, which runs about 12 minutes, was leaked to YouTube earlier today, but the studio quickly pulled it down. The controversy that arose after the finale appears to be carrying over to the new feature-ette, which is said to answer some of the remaining unanswered questions, but leave others still hanging. One viewer, for example, who got a chance to see the whole video said, “After watching the full thing, I can tell you that it’s perfunctory and about tying up loose ends (although it still doesn’t manage to get them all).”
Damon Lindelof tweeted, “I’m so glad we made ‘The New Man in Charge.’ I was starting to miss getting yelled at.” That made the top tweet list, with over 100 retweets — presumably a lot more than 100, but 100 is where Twitter stops counting.
My feeling is that at this point, I’ve long since given up on ever getting any sense of resolution. Since I no longer have any expectations, I can’t be disappointed, at least when it comes to any lack of meaningful answers. I do think the opportunity to see Michael Emerson and Jorge Garcia reprise their roles will be a treat.
Here’s a clip of Michael Emerson, on a trip in June to his hometown in Iowa, casually sitting on the edge of a stage, talking about the feature, which, he says, he was “actually more excited to film than the finale.” Hmmm. I wonder if he is trying to tell us something. (The video clip was filmed by jshbckr, who also asked the question that Emerson is responding to):
As for the sneak peek itself, the embedding has been disabled, but you can watch it here: The New Man in Charge sneak peek.
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