I went to the Vilcek Foundation exhibit on closing day, Saturday, June 5, 2010. It was in a small-ish gallery — two rooms, connected by a hallway — that was nice and cool on a hot, muggy day.
Photos on the wall celebrated the multi-cultural backrounds of the LOST crew and cast. The rest of the space was filled with props from the show, including Sawyer’s letter, Charlie’s heroin-filled statues, the Dharma bus, Hurley’s winning lottery ticket, costumes, hieroglypics from the Temple walls, Jughead the bomb, and the frozen donkey wheel.
Here are the first few pictures. I’ve got a lot more, which I’ll be posting later.
Outside the building:

Entrance to the Vilcek LOST Exhibit
A friendly policeman stood right next to the door. I couldn’t figure out why the show needed police protection. Were they expecting a riot, with fans who liked the ending brawling with fans who didn’t? Just kidding. Maybe some celebrities were expected to come by later. Or maybe it was because the props are valuable and they were guarding against theft. In any case, he seemed to be having an easy day:

A friendly policeman guards the exhibit
A large mural filled a wall in the entryway:

Mural in entryway
The first thing you see when you enter the gallery is Mr. Cluck’s chicken, Dogen’s costume, and a Dharma bus — a shiny Dharma-vintage one, not the crumbling old one that Hurley drove in the meadow:

Mr. Cluck, Dogen's costume, and a shiny blue Dharma bus
More pictures later.