The “enhanced” version of both parts of the original Season 1 Pilot will be showing tonight in the U.S. from 8:00 to 10:00 PM. (an hour earlier Central Time).
“Enhanced” means they will be showing the sometimes-helpful sometimes-obvious pop-up hints at the bottom of the screen.
They usually do a lot of cross-referencing in pop-up hints, pointing out how something we’re watching relates to something else in a different episode. Because the enhanced episodes are normally the most recent, those cross-references have always pointed to episodes that came before. I’m curious to see how it will work tonight — if they will cross-reference the Pilot to episodes that came after.
Awk. It’s making me sad to see these pictures. I miss the LOST-ies already.
Other schedule info:
Finale night (tomorrow!) in the U.S.
Finale — international showing, in some countries, simultaneously with the U.S. and/or 24-48 hours after.
Screencaps from Click on pictures, then click again for larger versions.