More quick takes on cool LOST-related stuff:
Tom Richmond, the MAD Magazine artist who has been doing fantastic caricatures of the LOST stars, has added four new ones since the last time I posted about them: Josh Holloway (Sawyer), Yunjin Kim (Sun), Mitchell (Juliet), and Nestor Carbonell (Richard Alpert). I love these sketches. When I see the MAD style, I’m hit by a wave of nostalgia for my misspent MAD-Magazine-reading childhood. Combine that with my current obsession, LOST, and the effect is mesmerizing. See the whole collection at: Tom Richmond’s Sketch O’ The Week.Musician Marilyn Manson is also a painter. Who knew? He painted a deliciously creepy portrait of Locke: See Marilyn Manson’s Cool ‘Lost’ Painting.
This week’s official video podcast goes behind the scenes to ask some of the show’s writers, producers, and editors “If Damon and Carlton were the Man in Black and Jacob, which side would you choose?” Damon himself says he’s most like Jacob, because Jacob is passive-aggressive and moody. It’s a cute video, and it’s nice to see some of the faces of the people who work on the show who are usually invisible to us. Official video podcast, May 14, 2010