Please, sir, I want some more
Updated 5/17
If you’ve been wondering how the writers were going to wrap up everything in the short time remaining, this is great news — we are getting more!
The LOST finale, previously announced as running two hours, has been expanded to two-and-a-half hours.
The local news will get pushed off the schedule, and the Jimmy Kimmel special after-event will come right after the finale. (Update: The after-finale special won’t start until 12:05, after the local news)
Here’s how the schedule looks now:
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Finale 9:00 to 11:30
12:05 – 1:05 Jimmy Kimmel special after-LOST event
Update: See the schedule for the final week of LOST for the latest info on who’s going to be on Jimmy Kimmel.
Source: The Hollywood Reporter, via lots of LOSTies on Twitter!
Illustration by George Cruikshank for Dickens’ “Oliver Twist,” ca. 1837, via Wikipedia