These (eyelinered) eyes have seen a lot over the (long long) years
Schedule for Tuesday, March 23, 2010 (in U.S.):
8:00 Enhanced rerun of 6×08 Recon
9:00 – 10:06 New episode 6×09 Ab Aeterno
Official description: “Richard must make a difficult decision.”
For more info on the episode, see the ABC press release (but warning, it has a spoilery list of the guest stars.)
(Everything runs an hour earlier in Central Time.)
After LOST, ABC will be showing a recap of the first four episodes of V. (The first new post-hiatus V episode will air the next week, March 30.)
Thanks to Geri for the heads up on the long-running episode!

Ms Terri
My new TV Guide indicates the 3/23 episode (about Richard Alpert) is running six minutes past the hour also on 3/30 there is no enhanced repeat of the show – just Dancing Stars at 8pm and a new Lost at 9pm supposedly about Widmore & Desmond. Of all shows not to enhance this is not the one. We need all the hints we can get
Thanks, Geri, for the heads up on the schedule changes!
I agree it would be nice to have an enhanced version of the Alpert episode. Perhaps they’ll do some kind of online commentary thing instead.
[I moved the comments down here to keep all the schedule-related stuff together.]
106 minutes!
Not quite.
They’re reruning Ab Aeterno this week (April 27), so keep your fingers crossed that they’re going to make it an enhanced version.
I never watched the earlier seasons as a habit, but I watch them since being out of work on ABC Central Time zone in Minnesota. I can’t seem to see it on the schedule since V came back on after it. Where the Heck is the LOST finale? I can’t keep track and I feel foolish asking but I was watching the rerun and then the new episode around 7 to 9?? It appears we get Dancing with the Stars. I hate dancing shows
Yeah, they’re running Dancing With the Stars results shows in the timeslot where they used to rerun the previous week’s episode. So they’re just running the new episodes at 8:00 Central Time, 9:00 Non-Central time.
But this week, there’s not going to be a new episode. There’s going to be a rerun, instead, of Ab Aeterno, at 8:00 Central (9:00 non-Central), the timeslot where the new episode usually goes.
Then the next three Tuesdays there will be new episodes (presumably at the regular time).
The finale is going to be on SUNDAY, May 23.
See also this post for more info on what the schedule will be for the rest of the season, at least if ABC doesn’t change it.