Here’s what I noticed: The clock in the square was stuck at 8:15, the number on Henry’s door was 108, and there was a close-up of Emma’s eye opening (when she was in jail) that was reminiscent of Jack’s. The sound effects right before breaking for commercials were similar to LOST’s. Emma’s last name, Swan, could be a reference to the Swan Station, and near the end of the episode, right after Henry’s mean adoptive Mom told Emma to get out of town, there was a very quick shot, upstairs in Henry’s room, of a swan on some kind of screen (see the picture below). Anyone notice anything else? [Editing to add]: Also, the curse looked like the Smoke Monster.

Clock at 8:15

108 on Henry's door

Emma's eye closed

Emma's eye open

Swan on screen in Henry's room

The curse approaching the castle
Edited to add 10/28: See the comments below for more Lost references that people spotted.
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Haven’t seen the pilot yet? Watch it on IMDB (with no commercials) or the ABC official site.

Unicorns on the mobile instead of Oceanic planes.
Ah, Prince Charming had a moving chin scar just like Jack’s moving tattoos
Hope and destiny were both mentioned.
In Lost, on the island they drove VW buses. On Once Upon A Time, Emma also drives a VW.
Also, in the last season of Lost they cannot remember their former lives. In Once Upon A Time they can’t remember their previous lives either.
I also thought the guy that Emma met in the restaurant at the beginning had the same haircut as Jack in the pilot. He even had one of those weird Jack-laughs. Also, could be wrong here, but the prince seems to be stabbed with the sword in more or less the same place that Jack was stabbed by MIB’s knife. I enjoyed the pilot. It felt a bit rushed, but it had a lot of stuff to establish in 42 minutes. Hopefully the characters will have a little more room to breathe over the next few eps.
Oh, and there was a Geronimo Jackson sticker on the back of Emma Swan’s car. Didn’t see it myself, and it may not be obvious in the pilot, but it can be seen in behind-the-scenes photos.
Henry (Emma Swan’s son) could be alluding to Henry Gale (Ben’s first fake name in Lost).
Personally I think you’re all crazy. Look, lost was a fantastic show (though I personally HATED the last episode)…and some of the above references are certainly there, plausible, and I’m quite certain dropped to ensure that they suck in the LOST loonies who have been looking for a new show…
But lets not go crazy here. Short of them showing up on a tropical island wiht a polar bear there is no reference that’s going to make me think that they’re planning on tying in anything of value from LOST.
“Oh look its a TV show…so was LOST!”
Mitch, I think you might be overreacting. No one is saying that anything is going to “tie in” with Lost. The show-runners did, in fact, intentionally include several shout-outs to the Lost universe, not so much “to suck in the Lost loonies” but perhaps as an homage to the show.
Personally, I enjoyed the pilot and the Lost references were an unexpected, enjoyable surprise. I’m sure all Lost fans appreciated them.
Yeah..the 8:15..the 108..the eye…obvious lost referencess. the other stuff that was mentioned is stretching it a bit. Still hope to see more LOST references in future episodes. the pilot was really good.
Don’t forget when the clock turned, it changed to 8:16, another Lost number.
What was the 108 reference to in” LOST”? I forgot. 🙂
108 was what the sum of the cursed numbers 4+8+15+16+23+42 it was also what the swan hatch countdown timer would reset to always.
The number of minute on the countdown when the button had to be pushed!
108 was also the number of days the Oceanic 6 were on the island before being rescued.
The whole show is a flash-sideways!
The motel that Emma stayed at was room “4”. Also the clock moved from 8:15 to 8:16 when Emma decided to stay.
So we have 4, 8 15, 16, 108. Still looking for the 23 and 42 references. Anyone notice them?
The length of the episode was 42:23 (not counting the credits).
I have LOST on my facebook and they have made comments to a Easter Egg in the last 2 episodes. I haven;t noticed. Anyone else?
Also, there was an Emma on the Oceanic flight. She and her brother Zach were kidnapped by the Others, and she was there with Cindy when Jack was in the cage.
The producers said there would be 4 Lost references in the pilot. 108, 8:15 on the clock, smokey and the eye close-up. I think Emma “Swan” really could be one too. I read a few other sites that said the Prince Charming’s hospital ID said “John Locke”, but I’m inclined to think it really said “John Doe” – I haven’t re-watched the episode to verify. Also someone mentioned they saw a “Ben Linus for President” sign, but I can’t verify that either. Seems like both of these are wrong.
I counted 12 in the first episode. Most have been mentioned, however, the evil qeen’s first name is “Regina”, and the boy Henry looks out o the upstairs window just like Walt. We also are looking at the ever present theme of good vs. evil.
The clock moves from 8:15 to 8:16 when it starts up. In the second episode, when the queen looked up at the clock, it was 23 minutes after the hour. Now I’m just trying to find 42!
In the 2nd episode it looks like Emma’s left eye has been photo shopped for red eye reduction. ( when she’s talking to Henry in Archie Hopper’s office)