Will there be any more “LOST: Untangled” posted here????
At the time Mandy asked the question, at the end of May, ABC hadn’t yet released the LOST Untangled for the finale episode (5×16-17 The Incident). They did release it soon after that, in early June, calling it the LOST Untangled Finale Event.
It’s good! It’s got music by the fan band Previously on Lost and a cute dancing statue.
If the video doesn’t work, you can see it on the ABC site.
Last edited 9/26/09 to consolidate posts

I found the promo on ABC.com. Looks like the Untangled Finale will be posted June 3. Has anyone heard the rumor about it being a musical??? There’s some buzz about ABC teaming up with a fan band…please link if you know what’s up…
Thanks for the tip, Horhay! Using that info, I was able to track this down: