Jeremy Davies as Daniel Faraday
The Variable, LOST’s 100th episode, is going to focus on Daniel Faraday, showing his flashbacks for the first time.
In the April 23, 2009 official audio podcast, Damon and Carlton confirm (as I had guessed in an earlier post) that the title “The Variable” is a reference to “The Constant” from last season, and there is indeed a connection between the two episodes — in an interview, Damon calls the new episode a “companion piece” to the previous one.
We will also see Desmond tonight, and find out if he survived being shot by Ben.
In the podcast, Damon and Carlton say they think The Variable came out as one of the best episodes of the season, and they’re excited to see what we think of it.
Here are three great clips from the episode, courtesy of DarkUFO. Don’t watch if you want to remain completely unspoiled! Otherwise … enjoy!
Sawyer and Juliet:
Faraday, Jack, and Miles. Wow. This clip literally gave me chills! –>
Faraday and Dr. Chang:
This episode looks like it’s going to be AMAZING.

Ooohh! My appetite is whetted. I can hardly wait till I get home from work tomorrow night to see this on abc.com!
I just saw it. You will not be disappointed! Amazing episode.