Update April 18-22: Many Today.com Exiles have set up blogrolls listing the former Today-ers, along with links to their new blogs.
You can see who is on the blogrolls here: Just Flitting, 30 Something and Searching, Books and Movies, TV News and Reviews, Self Reliance, Bookishgal, All About Bipolar, Nonfiction Book Review, Hospitalera’s blog, Alzheimer’s Disease Caregiver and the Today.com Exiles group blog.
If you have an Exile blogroll, and you’re not listed above, please let me know, and I’ll add you.
I received this letter — it’s a form letter that other people have been receiving as well:
Subject: Close Account
We understand that you are unhappy blogging with Today.com. As such we will be closing out your account for you. Your blog earnings to date will be sent to you in the next pay cycle.
We want to thank you for trying out Today.com and are sorry the program has not lived up to your expectations. We certainly wish you the best in your future endeavors.
Today.com Support
If you were a reader of my Today.com blog — Lostfan.today.com — please change your bookmarks from there to here — and thank you so much for following me around cyberspace!
If you are a fellow Today.com writer, please get in touch, if you feel like it. Now that I have nothing left to lose (except for my last payment, which I’m not sure I will see anyway), I have no more hesitations about speaking publicly. So you can leave a comment below, or if you prefer, email me at eeekablog (at) gmail (dot) com.

The way my mail reader is set up, the titles (subejct lines) of new emails pop up briefly on my screen as they come in. A little while ago, I saw this title float by “MsTerri Today.com Account is ACTIVE.”
I thought, OH! That’s very interesting! They gave me my account back!
I went to open the email, saw it was from support@today.com. Then I started to read it …
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
They want me to buy ADVERTISING!
Too, too funny.
… and it goes on.
The email urged me to logon to my advertising account … so I did. I was still able to get into that. (Wouldn’t suprise me if they lock that door, though, after reading this comment.)
I took a look around, and it doesn’t look like they are selling many ads! Almost all the blogs still have all 3 ads for sale.
I know, you’re shocked. 😉
Ha! How funny. I also got one of those emails. As if! They must be really desperate for business.
I got the exact same thing today. I responded to them telling them that I did NOT sign up for advertising and why WOULD I when they canceled my blog without cause or warning and have YET to respond to my inquires as to why I was canceled.
Good grief. They really are desperate! or at least, the right hand doesn’t know what the left is doing.
I got one of those emails too, shortly after they kicked me out, so maybe it’s just standard. Not to mention stupid.
Ha ha. I think it’s both, that the right hand doesn’t know what the left is doing, *and* that they are desperate.
The funny thing is, when I saw the title of the email, I really thought, for a few seconds, that they had come to their senses and had given me back my blog! Ha ha — that joke was on me.
Interestingly, I don’t appear to have that email, and I’m still a Today blogger sort of. Possibly it only went out to people whose accounts have been cancelled, in which case I have even less confidence in their gormless excuse for management skills.
Did you ever sign into your advertising account? Maybe they are sending the email only to people who had previously signed in to those accounts? (I had done so a few times out of curiousity.)
But yes, gormless nontheless. (Love that word!)
I am loosing track of the conversation here 😉 My quick update, I also got the ‘don’t you want to advertise with us’ email and I am sitting still on my fingers to not write something explicit back! Other thing, anybody interested in a blogging forum? I could set something up! Please read more here: http://hospitalera.com/any-interest-here-in-a-blogging-forum/
I will only do it if there is any interest 😉 SY
Great idea!
I’m another defector, I’m afraid. I didn’t get booted off, but when my sister (a.k.a. Rocket Scientist) did, that was enough for me. I’m settling in and happy now. No more stress for me!
Welcome, Shakespeare (great name, by the way!), to the thread of the voluntary and involuntary exiles. 😉
I agree –it is SO much less stressful having a blog of one’s own!